Faith - Family - Freedom - Devotional Pt2
Now we will at our individual application of Faith for our Family and how these applications fan be used in prayer as a shield for us.
Here is an example of having Faith for your Family. Everyone around you may be lost and living a life of sin. You’re the brunt of humiliation, rejection, and disrespect. Your feelings have you angry, stressed out, distracted, and offended. You’re reliving your situation over and over when you are affirming it to friends and others. Emotionally and mentally you are exhausted, overwhelmed, and you are done. An to top it off, you don’t know how to Pray for them. You have lost your peace, joy, and you feel like the enemy is winning. So when you are in the dark, you never try to make the darkness leave you. You just simply turn on the light, go through the motions, because you know the darkness cannot overpower the light; no matter how small the light is (John 1:1).
Now here is are examples of you learning how to Pray for them, you standing in the gap (interceding) for them, and having Faith for them; shining your light.
Heavenly Father, thank you for what you said according to John 3:16; you Love my Family with everlasting unhindered unlimited love and it is not your will that any of them should perish, but they should come to repentance 2 Peter 3:9. LORD, your Word says you will give strength to those who are weak, and right now I need your strength. LORD, I stand at the throne of grace by the Blood of the Lamb Christ Jesus, boldly to request your help in this time of need. I am a partner in labor with you for have called me to intercede. Jesus came for this reason, it was to set them Free, Heal them, and Reconcile them to Christ Jesus. LORD, just as you forgave me for my sin, I forgive them! I rejected you when I was dead in my sin as they are. I offended others when they tried to tell me about you until the Holy Spirit opened my eyes. LORD, I ask you for mercy to be Renewed day by day for my family and that you help me to remain Faithful when it is hard because I am treated badly. Help me to remember the sacrifice and suffering you did for me, so that I don’t hold it to their account, 1Peter 4:12-19. LORD, you said in your Word that me and my house shall be saved, Acts 16:31. You said the Holy Spirit is for me and my children even unto generations, Acts 2:39. You said even the captives of the mighty shall be taken captive, but you will contend with those who contend with us; and great shall be the peace of our children; and I will save thy children. LORD, you said that all our children shall be taught of the LORD; Jeremiah 31:33-34, Isaiah 54:13, Psalms 112:2-3; their children will be mighty in the land, the generations of the upright will be blessed, wealth and riches shall be in their houses, and their righteousness endures forever! Father God, I know that you have heard and answered me, therefore I will be at peace knowing you have sent the Holy Spirit to draw them unto you!
Therefore brothers and sisters, no matter how hard or difficult or overwhelming it can be and how exhausting it can get; let us not tire or give up and turn away from interceding (standing in the gap) for our Family and others. For someone we don’t know, someone we know, and even someone that is family stood in the gap and interceded for us when we were lost. An most of all, let us Not forget the One whom sacrificed Himself, Jesus Christ, and let us Not forget how our Heavenly Father gave His Only Begotten Son so that we may be forgiven and have eternal life with Him! So then, we must remember that, that same sacrifice, mercy, and love extends to our Family and others; therefore we in the same way should do the same for them ourselves. Stay committed and dedicated knowing the Joy they too will have when they draw near to God!